15. International Dermoscopy Course - Program

From dermoscopy.ch

The program of the → 15. International Dermoscopy Course, Zürich 2023.

08.00 Registration and Coffee
09.00 Introduction Prof. T. Kündig
09.10 Dermoscopy criteria and histopathological correlation Prof. R. Braun
09.40 2 Step algorithm and benign nevus patterns Prof. A. Marghoob
10.10 Benign non melanocytic lesions / nevus pattern Prof. R. Hunger
10.30 Quiz cases Dr. O. Gaide
11.00 Coffee break sponsored by Amgen
11.30 Basal cell carcinoma Dr. A. Marghoob
11.45 Squamous cell carcinoma and actinic keratosis Dr. O. Gaide
12.05 Melanoma specific structures Prof. A. Marghoob
12.45 Quiz cases Prof. R. Hunger
13.00 Lunch around the sponsors by Almirall
14.00 Acral lesions Prof. L. Thomas
14.20 Lesions of the face Prof. W.Stolz
14.40 Nail dermoscopy Prof. L. Thomas
15.00 Quiz cases Prof. W. Stolz
15.30 Coffee break sponsored by Dermlite
16.00 Nevi in context Prof. A. Marghoob
16.30 Quiz cases Prof. A. Marghoob
17.00 Closing remarks Prof. R. Braun

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